Many parents think their child’s vision is fine because the child was tested at school and brought home a report of 20/20 vision. This is only measuring eyesight or acuity, which is mostly how in-focus we see an object. But it only tells part of the story when it comes to successful functional vision.
Visual abilities are different
Efficient functional vision requires that we decide what to look at, move our eyes to it, get meaning from what is seen, and determine how to respond. This needs to happen very quickly and repeatedly in learning environments. We use our visual skills in everything from handwriting and spelling, to concentration and attention. These skills help us organize what we see on a printed page into letters, words and sentences, which are the foundation of reading, and reading is the gateway to learning.
ADHD was found to be twice as prevalent among children having vision problems that glasses and contacts cannot correct.
It’s tough for parents and others to spot issues with visual abilities. And for a child who feels pressured to keep up with peers, they may internalize the feelings of frustration which can make learning stressful. Sometimes, troubles with visual skills occur alongside learning disabilities. In fact, ADHD was found to be twice as prevalent among children having vision problems that glasses and contacts cannot correct.
There is hope! After careful visual evaluation, we provide customized vision therapy to help patients improve eye-brain communication. For many children it makes all the difference in their ability to grow and learn, allowing their natural talents and gifts to shine.
American Optometric Association
Optometrists Network
DeCarlo, Dawn K et al. “ADHD and Vision Problems in the National Survey of Children’s Health.” Optometry and vision science: official publication of the American Academy of Optometry vol. 93,5 (2016): 459-65. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000000823
Brought to you by:
David A. Hackett, OD, FCOVD
Lifetime Eye Care a division of Sterling Vision
4765 Village Plaza Loop Eugene, Oregon
(541) 342-3100 or 866-4EYELUV sterlingvision.com
