Some of us want to recycle everything we can, including the smallest plastic bottle caps. Taking the Waste Wise Lane County Master Recycler class is a great way to better understand what's recyclable and what isn't.
Master Recycler class students explore the complexities of waste management and recycling. With the knowledge you gain, you’ll be able to:
Offer friendly recycling help to others
Generate interest and enthusiasm for the other Rs, such as Reduce and Reuse
Encourage others to adopt lower consumption lifestyles so that fewer materials enter our lives that cannot be reused or recycled
Share awareness about the true cost of convenience and the burden disposable items place on our environment
Master Recyclers provide accurate recycling information and resources so that materials can be recycled in our community at the highest rate possible with the least amount of contamination for the best end use. And when that often-asked question comes up — Can this be recycled? — you’ll be an expert in the know.
Join the Master Recycler Community
Enrollment is open for the Winter 2024 Waste Wise Lane County Master Recycler Class starting in January. Visit lanecountyor.gov/wastewise-masterrecyclers to download an application.

Kelly Bell is the Waste Wise Lane County Master Recycler Program Coordinator, a position she has held since 2008.

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