If your child ever asked you, “What are those red squiggles in your eyes?” then you are in good company as a sleep-deprived parent.
Nicknamed “bloodshot,” those red and pink eye streaks can cause itchiness, tearing and burning. Aside from lack of sleep, they can be caused by pollen, chlorine swimming pools, pets, dust, mold, smoke, perfumes and other irritants.
To help, first try preservative-free artificial tears which are available over-the-counter (OTC), as moisturized eyes are less prone to redness. I would not recommend eye drops with tetrahydrozoline, as they can create “rebound redness.” Newer on the market is an OTC medication called Lumify, which contains brimonidine that reduces redness without the rebound effect.
Many cases of red eyes are harmless, and simply avoiding the irritant or allergen remedies the redness. But some causes of red eyes need medical attention. If you experience pain around your eyes, sensitivity to light, or unusual discharge from the eyes, call your eye care professional.
Source: The American Academy of Ophthalmology
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Carli Lancaster, OD
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