Make baking fun, easy and delicious with organic and natural ingredients. If your house is gluten-free, baking can be just as delicious as traditional baking. And if you don’t have time to bake fresh bread, numerous options are available locally.
Gluten-free baking made easy: All you need is Bob’s Red Mill 1- to-1 Baking Flour. This special blend of certified gluten-free flours, starches and xanthan gum is perfectly formulated so you can use it with no adjustments in your favorite recipes for cookies, cakes, brownies or muffins. Also, look for Bob’s Gluten Free All Purpose Flour — it’s perfect for “rising” to the occasion of making gluten free versions of your favorite yeast-based breads.
The Essential Take & Bake: The Essential Baking Company’s Take & Bake Bread is made from simple, certified organic ingredients leavened with a signature sourdough starter that traces back to the Gold Rush. Look for French Baguette, Rosemary Loaf, Italian Loaf and others at the Co-op. We can attest that it smells terrific!
Have questions about baking or other grocery needs? Our knowledgeable staff is here to answer all your questions and offer tasty suggestions
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Two locations in Corvallis 1007 SE 3rd • 541-753-31152855 NW Grant • 541-452-3115
Open daily firstalt.coop

Come to First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op for all of your grocery needs. It’s the natural choice.
Jasmin Woodside of First Alternative Co-op and her children.