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Crossbites in children: fix them early

As an orthodontist, one of the most important bite issues I correct in children are crossbites. There are two types of crossbites: anterior and posterior. With anterior, the upper front teeth sit behind the lower front teeth. With posterior, the upper back teeth bite inside the lower back teeth.

Why fix crossbites? When left untreated, they can cause problems now and in the future, such as:

  • Jaw misalignment, which leads to asymmetry and abnormal growth

  • Tooth wear and damage that causes chipping and enamel wear

  • Gum recession due to teeth hitting and colliding together improperly

  • Speech issues that interfere with pronunciation — we work with your speech pathologist to find the best solution

  • TMJ Disorders, leading to jaw pain and headaches

Treating crossbites during childhood, when the jaw is still growing, is most effective and quite straightforward. It’s something I do every day! An orthodontic evaluation by age 7 can identify and address these issues early, often using braces or expanders. If crossbites are left untreated, they often require surgical correction in adulthood.

Correcting crossbites early improves your child’s smile and prevents future dental problems. Regular dental check-ups and early orthodontic consultations are essential. If you suspect a crossbite, give us a call today for a complimentary consultation.


Brought to you by:

Brad Chvatal, DMD, MS

(541) 683-8490 •

1400 Valley River Drive, 240, Eugene

1130 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove


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