Who wouldn’t enjoy a parade in their honor? Make it shipshape and organized, by attending to these details...

Choose the time and day, and assign a leader. Pick a person who will agree to the role and feel confident about directing others in the parade line-up.
Collaborate with your leader to find a staging parking lot or line-up area, with a meetup time about 15 minutes before the parade. Make sure a direction for the drive-by has been clearly chosen and mapped out, so that participants know which side of the car will face the birthday child as the cars go past.
Eyes on the road: reiterate that safety and respect for other drivers comes above all else!
Send out an email or text invitation to friends, family and others. Include the leader’s name and number, so she can field questions from participants, especially on the day of (because you’ll be busy getting your child and family situated). Be sure to include your street address, and ask them to make signs and decorate their cars. Make it festive!
Put lawn chairs at the end of your driveway and seat your child there during that time. Bundle up and have umbrellas because, well, it’s Oregon in early spring.
Be sure to wave back: parade participants will appreciate it. Some may throw candy; just be sure your children know to not run into the street for it, like in a formal parade.
Take pictures! Make an award for the best sign, best decorated car, most spirited, etc., and award them digitally. And thank all the participants for helping to make the day special for your child.
Brought to you by:

Megan Warren
Professional Organizer
SOS Shipshape & Organized Spaces