If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, why does it have to be so dang early!? Get a jump on your first meal with some help from First Alternative Co-op, where we’ve got options for everybody — and every morning.
Grab ‘N’ Go Breakfast: Start the day with a piping-hot cup of fair trade coffee and a Co-op Kitchen Veggie Wrap or Denver Omelet Wrap (made with cage-free eggs and local De Casa tortillas.) Still hungry? Grab some hot-and-ready Beeler’s Pork sausage links and a freshly baked croissant or muffin from our bakery case. The Co-op Kitchen is up early every morning cooking for you.
Overnight Oats: A quick breakfast sometimes starts the night before. For an easy single-serving oatmeal breakfast — perfect for slipping into backpacks and briefcases — start by placing ⅓ cup rolled oats in a mason jar then topping it with ½ cup of milk. Add your favorite toppings, give it a stir, cover it with a lid and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, you can pour it into a bowl and add fresh fruit. Or just eat it straight from the jar. You’ll find everything you need for this and more at the Co-op.
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Two locations in Corvallis 1007 SE 3rd • 541-753-3115 2855 NW Grant • 541-452-3115
Open daily firstalt.coop

Come to First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op for all of your grocery needs. It’s the natural choice.
Jasmin Woodside of First Alternative Co-op and her children.