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Genevieve Reaume

Through parenting, being on camera, and a big announcement, this mom is in the spotlight.


Profession: Journalist/Anchor & Storyteller, Central Oregon Daily News

Community: Bend

Partner: Jordan, data science

Children: Son, Grady (1 year in March) & Baby Girl due this summer

Photos by: Amanda Joe Luelling, Luelling Film & Photo.

Family comes first.

All families are unique. Tell us about yours.

My husband, Jordan, and I are high school sweethearts. While we met at Jesuit High School and grew up in Portland. Early in our adult lives, Bend quickly stole our hearts. We were engaged on Mt. Bachelor and married in the Historic St. Francis Catholic Church, with the reception at the stunning Great Hall in Sunriver. When the job opportunity appeared at Central Oregon Daily, we both agreed Bend would be a beautiful place to start our family. Jordan and I both had Golden Retrievers as kids, and we now own a sassy girl of our own, Oakley. Born in 2020, she’s our “pandemic puppy.” Our son, Grady, came next, entering the world four weeks early. We are forever thankful to the caring NICU team at St. Charles. We can’t wait (but can wait until she’s full term!) for baby sis to join the crew this summer, and we absolutely know we will have our hands FULL with kids 16 months apart. Mamas with two under 2 – help! I am taking all advice on surviving these early days, months and year!

Tell us about one of your proudest mom moments.

The unexpected birth of my son sans epidural, no doubt, had me feeling like Superwoman.

When did you know you wanted to be a mom?

It’s never even occurred to me to NOT be a mom. I grew up with three siblings and a mom as a best friend. I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to not only become a parent but also give my children siblings.

I remember thinking about the “kind of mom I wanted to be” before I even turned ten. I think it’s because I was incredibly lucky to be surrounded by moms who, more often than not, worked full-time while somehow also always managed to be present and engaged with us growing kids. I am truly thankful I was raised by working parents, who never failed to show me hard work pays off and dreams can change.

Tell us about your most recent “Mother of the Year” moment.

Does getting pregnant seven-months postpartum count?

Now tell us about one of your most humbling mom moments.

I often think about those early days. I was so sleep-deprived and stressed about keeping Grady healthy. He struggled to gain weight at the start, and it consumed me. I had a complete breakdown about three months in, the crying on the floor, wailing and angry kind of breakdown. While I was surrounded by people who loved and cared about me in that moment, I realized sometimes, even with all the help and support in the world, it’s just too much. Finding a therapist and eventually an anti-anxiety medication changed my entire world and ability to parent. We’re not meant to do this alone.

What is something you swore you would never do before kids that you now do?

I can’t say I swore I would never do it, but walking the dog while pumping was certainly not on my Bingo card.

You know you’re a mom when you hear yourself say...

“Is it okay if I shower?” “Did you smell it?”

What are you enjoying the most about parenting right now?

Grady is at such a fun age where his personality is starting to emerge and he’s getting more and more mobile. I love when he chases us around the kitchen in his walker and slides his feet on the ground to “brake.” I also love that he loves being outdoors and is still young enough to happily sit in a hiking backpack while we roam around the trails. He doesn’t yet know how to declare any boredom and instead will just doze off and take a little nap. Admittedly, I’m truly enjoying that he sleeps through the night as well.

No one works harder than mom.

Tell us about your work or volunteerism outside of the home.

I recently began volunteering with the Ronald McDonald House to help with cleaning, but I am hoping to soon start on their Hospitality Cart. The cart goes through the NICU with coffee, snacks, toys and hats for the families. Grady’s first hat came from that cart. When you have a NICU baby, you don’t often get the cute pink and blue caps, instead your child likely has a C-PAP hat… which is just used to keep the tubing in place to help them breathe. Let me tell you, getting a “normal” hat is a big milestone that means a lot to parents whose journeys most certainly didn’t start out as expected.

What have you learned professionally that has helped you as a mom?

Being a journalist has helped me immensely outside of the office. It has taught me to think critically about all sides of an issue. As a parent, we are faced with many choices in raising our kids. We decide how and where our kids sleep, what to feed them, the kinds of toys they play with, the social interactions they have, etc. I pride myself in taking those same critical thinking skills into my parenting journey. I try to read all sides of an argument and books with differing viewpoints, so I can make the most informed decisions for my children.

Tell us about a recent achievement you’re proud of, or a personal passion or talent.

I ran a half marathon 6 months postpartum, and I was proud of that.

Do you have a goal you’d like to accomplish within the next five years?

Qualify for and run the Boston Marathon.

If mom’s not happy, nobody’s happy.

Tell us about your upbringing. How did it shape the mother you are today?

I grew up the youngest of four kids. Being a part of a large family was an incredible blessing. As the youngest, I’ll admit (and my siblings will tell you!), I did get special attention. My parents provided me with nearly every experience I could ask for, but they never interfered. I was given the opportunity and then the responsibility to do something with that experience. My success was dependent on my effort. It gave me confidence and showed me what I am capable of achieving. Don’t get me wrong, I had (and have) to lean on them for a lot of support along the way, and they were always there with the hug or tough love, but it helped shape how I want to parent. Now, as a mom with my own kid(s), I try to strike a balance between support and space. I want to give my kids the opportunities I had (and I know I have to work hard for that), so they can build their own confidence.

What do you think is the most important life skill or value your parents taught you?

Your potential is limitless, and you’re never tied down, especially when it comes to a career. It’s never too late to try something new. And also commitment… even when it isn’t easy…to your partner, your family, your hobbies, your volunteerism, your job.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

This summer I pumped while anchoring breaking news. I’d certainly never done that before. We were in the middle of covering the Milepost 132 fire burning near Bend when I realized I had forgotten to pump amidst the chaos. Luckily, I was wearing a looser shirt and during a commercial break I ran into our mother’s room, threw on my Elvie and rushed back out to do a live interview with the sheriff’s office.

What is something you will NEVER do again?

I said I’d never give birth naturally again…and yet I am already considering it. The mind has a convenient way of making you forget the pain.

Which good habit do you wish you started earlier?

Putting away laundry right after you take it out of the dryer.

What is the quality you like most about yourself?

I am incredibly transparent. I am an open book when it comes to career, mental health, motherhood, finances and beyond. I believe information is incredibly valuable and our experiences matter. We can all learn from each other and our story is important.

What’s your superpower?

I truly have no shame. My husband confirmed this the other day. It takes a lot for me to really get embarrassed.

What keeps you sane?

Socialization. Getting out and being with people fuels me. Plus, I love a good happy hour (when I am not pregnant) or a summer Friday night dinner in the backyard with best friends where people leave well after sunset.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Gatorade and Cup [of] Noodles (the microwave kind). Also, Cheez-Its.

What is your greatest extravagance?

I love being “extra” when it comes to dinners. I will happily turn any casual dinner into an event. While I will admit I did this more before I became a mom, I do absolutely love to set a table, get dressed up, arrange florals and spend too much time prepping a meal to look beautiful. I am known for serving fancy macaroni and cheese in individual pumpkins — yes, real, carved pumpkins.

Listen to mom.

Is motherhood what you expected? What surprised you the most?

Becoming a mom has truly been my life’s greatest blessing. I never expected it to be easy, but it certainly is hard. However, the “hard” is unique, in that while it may be challenging, it’s also incredibly rewarding. I think what surprised me the most is the truth in the statement “it takes a village.”

Who and what has influenced the mother you are today?

Absolutely the mothers around me, including my mom, mother-in-law and sisters.

What’s the best advice you’ve received from another mom?

For the moms in the early days, if you’re worried about something, give it three months, it’ll likely resolve. For working moms returning to work: Give yourself as much time as you had on maternity leave to adjust to being back.

What advice would you give your younger mom self?

Have confidence in your gut. You’ll be forced to make so many decisions. The world will tell you what they think is best, how you should breastfeed, the gadgets you should buy and the worries you should have. While much of it is helpful (and well-intended), much is also noise. Trust your mom instinct.

What message would you like to share with other moms?

We truly, truly aren’t meant to do this alone. Motherhood can be beautiful chaos. I was incredibly blessed to go through pregnancy and motherhood with several best friends who were pregnant at the same time.

Those group chats pinging at 3 a.m., the voice memos which turned into podcasts, and the essays we’d send pumping each other up were truly essential for my well-being. It is a constant reminder to me that motherhood is a sisterhood.

It can feel extremely isolating at times, but never forget you are enduring what others have conquered. Lean on those you love, take new mom friends up on walk dates, be brave enough to send the text admitting you’re in a tough spot. This sisterhood is powerful. We are powerful. You’ve got this, mama.

Thankful for my village.

“Just say yes. Take the help.” So many people will tell you this ahead of time, but it’s hard. I know. It was really challenging for me, especially since Grady started life in the NICU. Maybe it was the exhaustion, but I finally just started saying yes, and it changed my world.

Lean on those who love you and don’t be afraid to tell them what you need. If vocalizing it is hard, leave a to-do list on your counter. When people come by and ask what you need, you can kindly say, “Anything on that list would be wonderful.”

In this first year as a mom, I am filled with immense gratitude for my village. From my mom and sisters who flew in during the first few weeks of Grady’s life to Jordan’s family who shows up regularly to clean the house and assist during the dinnertime chaos to my mom friends who I can send 10-minute voice memos to at any hour of day and to my husband who not only eagerly shares the role of parenthood but also validates the unique challenges of becoming a mom and always has a smile on his face when he’s with our son. I’ve learned people want to help. Let them. We aren’t meant to do this alone, and if you feel alone, reach out to another mom, even a stranger or an old friend you haven’t spoken to in years. Motherhood is a sisterhood.


MOMs love local…

We love locally owned businesses, restaurants, places and organizations. Share your favorite…

…shop to pick up a gift for friend: Wild Child for a friend’s new baby

…coffee spot: Lone Pine Coffee Roasters or Jackson’s Corner (avocado toast at both is supurb!)

…view or scenic lookout: Shevlin Park for a weekend hike

…spot to get a good workout: A run on the Deschutes River Trail ending downtown for a coffee at The Commons Cafe and Taproom

…place to treat yourself: KS Nails & Spa for my mani/pedi

…restaurant to take the kids: Bend Brewing Company’s outdoor space and Active Culture

…restaurants for a date night: RBC (splurge), BOSA Food & Drink (casual at the bar), and 900 Wall (martini and oysters)

…take-out or quick bite: The Lot and Midtown Yacht Club, Active Culture to go and picnic at Miller’s Landing Park. Round it out with a rosé at Bledsoe Family Winery.

…meetup spot for happy hour: We love the casual and almost 90s vibes at Boss Rambler Beer Club. Plus, their summer drinks are fun and easily enjoyed lounging in an Adirondak chair.

…boutique to find a new shirt or home décor item: Vanilla Clothing Co.

…event in your community: Bend’s 4th of July Pet Parade


MOM’s favorite…

Tell us about your favorite…

…family game: Salad Bowl (some call it Fish Bowl). Absolutely add in a round of acting out the words under a sheet. You won’t regret it.

…words to live by: It takes a village. Use yours.

…way to get out of making dinner: Invite ourselves over to the in-laws

…time-saving app or digital tool: Adding my husband as an ‘invite’ to events on the apple calendar has been life-changing for me. It’s a simple but effective way to stay on the same page and share parenting duties.

…parenting book or philosophy: Expecting Better and Cribsheet by Emily Oster



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