“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead
Wouldn’t you just love to have answers at your fingertips? You can! You’ll find answers to most, if not all, your questions about waste and recycling inside the Lane County WasteWise Guide. Perhaps you’ve wondered:
How do we dispose of old medications? Page 30
Where can I get recycling bins for my school, business or apartment complex? Pages 11, 13
Are coffee cups recyclable? Pages 19, 23
Who makes the rules about garbage and recycling? Page 5
You can pick up a copy of this handy reference at any Lane County transfer station, or at the Public Works customer service counter. Or download an e-copy from: lanecountyor.gov/waste
Brought to you by:
Sarah Grimm
Sarah Grimm is the Waste Reduction Specialist for Lane County Public Works.
She is an avid gardener, flyfisher and lover of the great outdoors.
