When it comes to party ware there is no “best” disposable option. Reusing and washing dishes is better for the environment by every measure over purchasing disposable items.
Borrow reusable dishware from Lane County. Did you know that Lane County will loan you up to 100 place settings for your public or private gathering, at no charge? Reservations are first-come, first-served. For more information, visit LaneCountyOR.gov/EventRecycling.
If you can’t avoid disposables, look for products made from recycled materials. Recycled products are environmentally preferred to products made from virgin content. Look for “this product made with 100% recycled-content materials.”
What about compostable cups and plates? “Compostable” plastics should not go into your compost pile. Please put them in the trash.
Don’t Waste Food! Not wasting food, it turns out, is more important than recycling. Preventing food waste is the greenest party trick of all! Visit SaveTheFood.com for a handy food calculator to help you buy just the right amount of food, so it’s not thrown away.
Brought to you by:
Kelly Bell is the Master Recycler coordinator for the Lane County Waste Management Division. She feels privileged to support the many citizen waste prevention educators who volunteer their time. Learn more at lanecountyor.gov/masterrecyclers.
