With an array of mouthwashes on the market, you may wonder if your child should use one.

The general idea of a mouth rinse is to dislodge trapped food particles and reach places that brushing and flossing miss. But is it necessary? Not if good brushing and flossing are consistent, which is sometimes easier said than done when it comes to kids.
Children under age 6 should not use mouthwashes, as many of them contain levels of fluoride that can actually change the color and texture of young teeth. Once your child is old enough, you can teach them how to rinse and spit by practicing with water. For anyone in braces, mouthwashes can be a useful tool in getting food out of brackets. Look for a non-alcohol based formula, and choose a brand that contains fluoride and is approved by the American Dental Association. Some patients may have unique dental needs where we might prescribe a mouthwash or recommend a different type of mouth rinse.
And remind your child that mouthwash is a boost for oral hygiene: it can help, but does not replace good, regular brushing and flossing.
This smile is brought to you by:
Wade L. Haslam, DMD, PC
2657 NW Rolling Green Drive Corvallis | 541.757.2440 valleyvieworthodontics.com
