No more shots, no drilling and no pain

With our new Solea laser, we are able to fix cavities as well perform other procedures, without the need for needles or drilling — and in a fraction of the time it takes with traditional tools.
CO2 lasers are revolutionary in dentistry: we now use them to vaporize enamel and without the need for anesthesia. This laser technology actually works as anesthesia, which means there’s no need for traditional numbing medication or nitrous oxide. Another bonus: everything gets done faster and with greater precision.
Children have been overwhelmingly receptive to this new tool: they are thrilled to not have shots, and to leave the office and go on with their day without a numb face for hours on end. There’s also no more noisy drilling, which can be a distressing sound. Laser technology could make your child’s next dental visit a breeze. Contact our office to learn more.
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1611 J street Springfield, OR

Dr. Erin Estep is a board-certified pediatric dentist who owns Treehouse Kids Dentist in Springfield. She and her staff are committed to making sure your child has an amazing, safe, memorable dental experience.