One of the biggest concerns we hear from moms of children going into braces is that their child is not going to take good enough care of them. With a little extra attention and diligence, your child can make it through braces with a perfect, healthy smile. While braces have lots of nooks and crannies around them, they actually protect the teeth where they are placed. But cleaning around them is super important. Here’s a great plan for that:
Dry brushing: After a meal (likely at dinner time), grab a dry (no toothpaste) toothbrush and loosen food particles and plaque around the braces. I encourage parents to help with this part. Find a spot in the house with a bright light and wiggle that toothbrush all around. Without toothpaste foaming up, you’ll be able to see everything that needs attention.
Toothpaste time: After the dry brushing, have your child rinse with water and then brush with a fluoridated toothpaste to help strengthen enamel. I like Colgate Total as it also has an antigingivitis agent, too. Waterpik magic: Sometimes a Waterpik can be helpful to get the hard-to-reach spots. Its gentle water stream cleans between braces, wires, and gums — it’s like a soft pressure washer for the teeth and braces.
Flossing made easy: Flossing with braces can be challenging. Using floss threaders, interdental brushes, or orthodontic floss can make it easier. Turn flossing into a family affair, sharing stories and bonding over oral hygiene. With these simple steps and a little more attention, you can help your child keep their braces and teeth shiny and healthy.
Brought to you by:
Brad Chvatal, DMD, MS
(541) 683-8490 •
1400 Valley River Drive, 240, Eugene
1130 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove