Fish is a delicious alternative to beef, chicken and pork. It’s also loaded with minerals, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health and great for developing bodies. Some of the safe, ethically caught fish you’ll find at First Alternative:
Loki Fish Co. offers wild Alaskan salmon direct from the people who catch them. Loki’s founders weren’t happy with the quality and processing standards of larger fishing boats they worked on, so they resolved to do it better. Treating the fish with care and respect means it’s of better quality. Because Loki direct-markets all their salmon, it arrives at stores fresher than other brands. Find it in the freezer section at the Co-op.
Canned tuna
A quick and delicious lunch or dinner is a can opener away. We’ve got a great selection of tunas like albacore and yellowfin, all ethically caught and free from pollutants. You can trust there’s nothing fishy — except fish — in our canned tuna!
Brought to you by:
Two locations in Corvallis 1007 SE 3rd • 541-753-3115 2855 NW Grant • 541-452-3115
Open daily firstalt.coop

Come to First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op for all of your grocery needs. It’s the natural choice.
Jasmin Woodside of First Alternative Co-op and her children.