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Preserve your foods: save money, reduce food waste

In collaboration with Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service Food Preservation program, we turned to Nellie Oehler for advice.

Food prices are soaring, and creating healthy, affordable meals is becoming more challenging. To help, the OSU Extension Service Food Preservation program has research-based resources to help families preserve in-season foods and manage excess food before it spoils. These actions will reduce not only grocery store trips but food waste, too.

The Extension Service has a comprehensive library of research-based food preservation resources ( and a canning app to guide consumers. These resources include fun activities such as making dried fruits and fruit rolls, jam, or freezing convenience foods. Visitors can also learn how to store root vegetables (i.e., squash, potatoes, carrots, etc.) for future enjoyment.

Additionally, check out the Food Hero Recipe site at for quick, easy and low-cost recipes. There’s even a special section for cooking with kids.

Fall is a great time to stock up on pantry staples with local produce grown here in the Willamette Valley. Learning new food preservation skills can ensure you enjoy this bounty for months to come.


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Oregon State University Extension Service Lane County

996 Jefferson Street, Eugene

Nellie Oehler is a faculty member of the Oregon State University Extension Family Community Health Faculty and has been the Lane County Master Food Preserver Program coordinator since 1981.

For food preservation/safety-related questions, call the OSU Extension Service Food Preservation/Safety Hotline at 800-354-7319, and a certified master food preserver volunteer can answer your questions.


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