From spooky jack-o’-lanterns to delicious pies, enjoy pumpkins to their fullest while making the most of your money and time.
Farmer’s Market Organic Canned Pumpkin: Cut the hassle of cutting and gutting the pumpkin this fall with cans of Farmer’s Market Organic Pumpkin Purée. Grown and packaged right here in Corvallis!
The power of pumpkin seeds: Don't toss those seeds, toast them! To easily separate the seeds from the guts, put everything into a large bowl and fill with cold water. After an hour or so, the chunks will have settled to the bottom and the seeds will have floated to the top. Pull the seeds out, then put them into a colander for one last rinse. Let them dry on a towel, then toss with salt and oil (or melted butter) and spread them out in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake at 300° for 45 minutes or until golden brown. Toasted pumpkin seeds are great by the handful, tossed in salads, or even added to sandwiches.
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Two locations in Corvallis 1007 SE 3rd • 541-753-3115 2855 NW Grant • 541-452-3115
Open daily firstalt.coop

Come to First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op for all of your grocery needs. It’s the natural choice.
Jasmin Woodside of First Alternative Co-op and her children.