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Put the cute in charcuterie

Get your kids in on the fun

Some junior-sized snack platter ideas make sophisticated snacking a family affair.

Dipper’s delights

Even if the kids aren’t crazy for veggies, they probably can’t resist a good dip. Slice carrots, celery sticks, cucumbers and cauliflower into child-size dipping sticks and arrange them around a cup of some tasty ranch or goddess dressing (see our ad in this edition for an irresistible ranch dressing recipe).

Munchable lunch

For some fun finger foods, start with snack-sized cheeses like Babybel or Tillamook’s Cheddar Cheese Snacks. Cut them into halves or quarters, and arrange them on a plate along with a selection of your kid’s favorite crackers and lunch meats, also cut into bite-sized pieces. The kids will love the chance to curate their own snack stacks.


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Come to First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op for all of your grocery needs. It’s the natural choice.

Jasmin Woodside of First Alternative Co-op and her children.


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