From Halloween candy to turkey bones, and Christmas goodies to tinsel, there are many safety concerns when it comes to the holidays and your pets.
If you’re hosting holiday parties, consider having your pets sit out the party in a quiet space away from the festivities. This allows them to stay safe, prevents them from sneaking treats and goodies, and keeps them from accidentally slipping out the door. If you don’t have a quiet place for your pet to wait out the party, consider boarding them for the night. Be sure to keep potentially toxic foods such as chocolate, coffee, high-sugar and high-fat foods out of your pet’s reach. Halloween candy can easily get misplaced, and pets won’t wait for Christmas day to open food-type presents under the tree. Keep all trash secure so pets can’t get into spoiled food, bones or other potentially harmful items.
Always have your veterinarian’s number easily accessible. Be diligent about keeping everyone safe, and have a fabulous holiday season!
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In partnership with Willamette Veterinary Hospital & Eastgate Veterinary Clinic

Jilinda Lewis, DVM Ark Animal Hospital