Vision is much more than just “20/20.” It is a combination of sub-skills which can be learned and developed. Each of these entertaining gifts builds different foundational visual skills.
Eye Spy Eagle Eye — Figure-ground
Concentration, match — Visual memory
Ping-Pong — Visual pursuit
Jenga — Eye-hand coordination
Simon — Visual memory
Play-doh, clay — Fine-motor control
Pretend-play toys: dolls, dress-up — Imagination and visualization
Gravity maze — Visualization
Spot it! — Form constancy
Books — Visualization, eye tracking
Legos, Duplo, K’NEX — Several skills
Chess, checkers, jigsaw puzzles — Several skills
Rubik’s Cube, ball maze — Visual perception
Coloring books — Eye-hand coordination
Many screen-based activities and games provide so much stimulation that a child’s brain is overwhelmed with observing rather than developing the abilities to create, visualize, imagine and problem solve. This gift-giving season, consider giving games and activities that enhance a child’s brain and assist in their vision development. For more information on each of these foundational visual skills and an excellent child development timeline, visit
Brought to you by:
David A. Hackett, OD, FCOVD
Lifetime Eye Care a division of Sterling Vision
4765 Village Plaza Loop Eugene, Oregon
(541) 342-3100 or 866-4EYELUV